By submitting the registration form to the Organising Team, you confirm you have read and accepted the MarketPlace Stallholder Terms and Conditions listed on this webpage of FFF2022.
Trading Hours
Food Stallholders will be required to operate throughout the entire Festival minimum hours 10am – 9pm on Saturday and Sunday (subject to Covid19 SOP).
Set up & Pack down Times
Set up times will be from 9am Saturday morning & all stalls should be ready by 10am.
Pack down will be after 9pm and all stalls will trade until this time.
Food stallholders shall not be entitled to assign, share or sublet all or part of their site without prior written consent from the Festival organizer.
Right of Veto
The Festival Organiser retains the right to enter upon the site of any food stall at any time and remove any article, sign, picture, or printed matter which, in our opinion, is either not eligible for display or is considered offensive.
Non-Refundable Registration
The registration will be only considered confirmed upon the full receipt of donation.
The donations received for the stalls are not refundable.
No refunds will be made for stalls that cancel after the registration was made.
No refund will be made for cancellations without substitution, or for “non-attendance”
No refunds will be made for weather-related issues on the day.
In the event, Covid19 movement restrictions are enforced, and we are unable to hold the MarketPlace, 12-13 March 2022 will be set as the alternate dates. All exhibitors and partners will be notified. No refunds will be made for stalls that are unable to participate on the alternate dates.
General Terms
The event will proceed all-weather unless it is deemed dangerous to the public.
All stalls must comply with the health requirements of the relevant Food Act and Food Regulations.
Any special requests must be emailed to the Organising Team, we will try our best to accommodate all preferences but in some cases, we will not be able to guarantee you will be in your preferred place.
Stallholders must behave in a professional and courteous manner.
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco or cigarettes, animal (vertebrates) meat-based products are NOT permitted to be sold.
The FFF 2022 Organising Team authorized personnel reserves the right to inspect food stall premises at any time. No responsibility will be taken for loss or damage to any persons or goods whether or not that loss, damage, or injury arises from the negligence of the festival staff, volunteers, or contractors employed by the Future FoodTech Festival 2022.
We have the right to close down stalls that do not comply with the event terms and conditions.
Placement of stalls will be at the discretion of the FFF2022 Organising Team.
The Future FoodTech Festival 2022 makes no guarantee as to the crowds that will be in attendance or the profits you will make at the event.
By submitting the registration, the Stallholders agreed to the privacy policy on the collection, use, processing, storage, and/or disclosure of company/ personal information provided.
By submitting the company logo/products brand, the Stallholders agreed and provided consent for the usage of the logo (company/brands) for activities/programs of Future FoodTech Festival 2022 and/or Thought For Food Foundation, including without limitation registration, invoicing, news, updates, matching programmes, partnerships, collaborations, website/platform usage, marketing/promotion and outreach activities for products and services.
Stall / Operations
No alteration to size or position of the stall is permitted without the prior written approval of the Organizer, who reserves the right to change the layout or gangways. The Organizer also reserves the right to require Stall Holders to make such alterations to their stands and setting of their exhibits as they reasonably feel necessary to maintain an acceptable standard of presentation and to avoid interference with the display of other Stall Holders. The stall must not obstruct passages.
Stall Holders are to be solely responsible for the security of their respective stalls’ displays and exhibits.
The Stall Holder should not cause any damage to the site /building/stall. Any such damage will be made good at the expense of the Stall Holder. The Stall Holder will also indemnify the Organizer against any claims resulting from mishaps due to faulty equipment/faulty handling of material or non-observance of legal or safety requirements.
Insurance of stall operations, against all risks, prior to, during, and after should be done by the Stall Holder at their own cost. The Organizer will in no way be responsible for any loss or damage.
All drawings/designs showing stall construction have to be submitted 30 days prior and approved by the Organizer, who reserves the right to recommend changes/modifications, in the interest of the overall presentation of the festival marketplace. Stall Holders have to ensure that the changes recommended are carried out.
Pre-recorded Amplified Music
Use of amplifiers or loudspeakers, including CD or MP3 players, by stallholders, is prohibited.
Stall Presentation
Festival organiser will reject any stall that we consider to be dirty or not up to standard.
All stallholders must keep within the space of their stall.
All freestanding adverts or signs are allowed prior to permission granted.
Rubbish & Recycling
Food stallholders are responsible for cleaning their complete site and removing any waste and debris from the site.
All stallholders must keep the front of their stalls free from rubbish and products at all times.
All litter must be taken home and not left on-site or put in the bins around the MarketPlace.
The Festival Operations Director will inspect your site before you leave the Festival.
First Aid Kit
Food stalls must have a suitable First Aid Kit available for staff use.
Fire Extinguisher / Fire Blanket
To comply with the Fire and Rescue Act and the Building Fire Safety Regulation, food outlets must have a fire extinguisher. Any food vendors using a deep fryer must have a fire extinguisher.
Hazardous Substances
There are substances that may be used in a food stall that is considered hazardous.
The most common are LPG gas, Spray and wipes, dishwashing detergent, hand sanitizer, and cooking oil.
LPG gas is prohibited to be used at food sites.
If you store or use hazardous substances you need to make sure all chemical containers have a label on them that clearly identifies what they are and the main safety information about the chemical (eg 'Flammable'; 'Toxic if swallowed'; 'Avoid contact with skin'). Do not use old drinks or food containers to store chemicals.
Electrical Requirements
Petrol generators are not permitted.
Your stall site will be provided with a unit of electrical outlet, additional voltage and units are chargeable and subject to approval from the Festival Operations Director to ensure the safety of usage.
All electrical appliances must be in safe working order.
Stallholders must test leads and power boards with circuit breakers
General Health Requirements
All persons engaged in the preparation or sale of food shall:
Healthy food options are encouraged at the event and will be given preference.
Wear clean and appropriate clothing
Ensure they keep themselves and their work area clean
Ensure hands are clean, before commencing or resuming work and after visiting a sanitary convenience, smoking, handling a refuse container, handkerchief, or nasal tissue.
Strictly comply with Covid 19 SOP.
No smoking in any food stall, van, or other places where food is to be prepared and/or sold.
Food shall be stored at least 75cm above the ground for protection from contamination.
All food is to be protected from contamination by dust, flies, vermin, breath, or handling:
To display in bain-maries (where possible fitted with sliding doors), refrigerated cabinets, or behind sneeze-proof shields.
Food must be stored within a sealed cabinet, plastic film, or food-grade paper or plastic bags or covered with a food-grade plastic film.
Squeeze-type dispensers, in covered containers, must dispense sauces and other condiments.
In the case of packaged foods labeling is to be in compliance with the Food Safety Standards.
Cooked food must be kept at a temperature above 60C until the time of sale.
Bain-maries, keep running at a temperature (approx 80C) this maintains your food at 60C.
Perishable food or potentially hazardous food must be stored below 5C. Frozen food must be stored below -15C.
Remember: “Keep it hot or keep it cold, or don’t keep it at all.”
Cooked foods should be stored for no longer than 4 hours
Use suitable implements for the serving or cooking of foods.
Protection must be provided for the public against deep fryers barbecue plates and hot food displays.
Direct heat cooking appliances must be suitably shielded
Environmental Policy
At the Festival MarketPlace, our aim is to minimize our environmental impact and where possible, avoid the creation of unnecessary waste.
1. Reduce food waste.
2. Reduce single-use plastics.
3. Ensure appropriate disposal and recycling.
1. Reduce food waste
Food waste is now considered to be the third-largest contributor to climate change.
Worldwide, tonnes of edible food is lost or wasted every day.
Between harvest and retail alone, around 14 percent of all food produced globally is lost.
Huge quantities of food are also wasted in retail or at the consumer level.
We ask stallholders to be mindful not to simply throw away food unnecessary.
We all have a part to play in saving food - check out UN FAO's call on food waste.
2. Reduce single-use plastics
The extent of our plastic pollution problem is terrifying.
Current estimates show that at least 8 million pieces of plastic are entering the oceans every day.
Our ability to recycle plastic has been dramatically overstated and it’s currently believed only 9% of global plastic is actually recycled.
The solution lies in reducing our reliance on plastic in the first place.
The main culprits at festivals are bottles, cups, straws, cutlery, and condiment sachets.
At Future FoodTech Festival, we will be asking festival go-ers to support our cause in this regard.
Instead of plastic bottles, consider shifting to water sold in glass bottles and or biodegradable containers.
Plastic straws should be replaced with paper and or biodegradable alternatives.
All plastic plates, containers, and cutlery should, where possible, be replaced with cardboard or compostable/biodegradable alternatives.
3. Ensure appropriate recycling and composting
To ensure on-site disposal of recycling, landfill, and composting.
working closely with the building/venue provider Organising Team to ensure proper disposal of waste.
Politely remind people to dispose of rubbish in the appropriate bins.
The Organising Team reserves the right to change, add and/or omit any Stallholders Terms and Conditions for the best interest of the Festival and ensuring the success of the event.